Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Backyard Covid-19 Birding

Spring has come, meaning migration has too. Warblers, thrushes etc. But since the U.S. and CT has the Covid-19 I decided to bird in my backyard. 

the story: 
One day, while eating lunch I saw a rare Sandhill Crane flyover (new yard bird)
(The next day)
I saw a House Wren in my backyard, so I went out and got some photographs. But then I heard a Northern Parula (new yard bird), then a Baltimore Oriole, and three male Scarlet Tanagers (new yard bird)! Then I heard a Yellow-rumped warbler (new yard bird). While looking at the cardinal nest, I saw a Melospiza sparrow. It was an early Lincoln's Sparrow! (new yard bird) I got a few photos. Then a White-crowned Sparrow landed in the bush (new yard bird). Than I heard a bird calling a "chebek!". It was a Least Flycatcher! So I saw a lot of new yard birds!

So here is the species I had this spring migration so far: 
Sandhill Crane
Least Flycatcher
Tree Swallow
Barn Swallow
White-crowned Sparrow
Lincoln's Sparrow
Swamp Sparrow
Northern Parula
Blackpoll Warbler
Palm Warbler

Scarlet Tanager 

Lincoln's Sparrow

Least Flycatcher

White-crowned Sparrow
Enjoy and stay safe!

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