Saturday, February 2, 2019

Irruption Year

This year happens to be an irruption year meaning the birds from the arctic come down beyond their range looking for food.

What causes Irruption Year?
Every 3-5 years pine trees and crops fail to grow making the redpolls, crossbills, siskins, Bohemian Waxwings, Pine Grosbeaks, and Red-breasted Nuthatch search for food. This irruption year Blue Jays are also leaving from the north in search of nuts because acorn, beechnut,and hazelnut crops were generally poor to low. Most redpolls, Bohemian Waxwings, and Pine Grosbeaks are usually recorded in Litchfield County (Connecticut), while crossbills can be seen in any part of the state.

This year has been good for Evening Grosbeaks and Pine Siskins in Connecticut, I had a flock of 4 Pine Siskins at my feeder and a flyover Evening Grosbeak that was also at my house! 


Not many crossbills have been reported recently. A White-winged Crossbill was reported 11/11/18  at Sherwood Island SP. Another report was of 2 birds at Bent of the River Sanctuary, Southbury.  Red Crossbills were also reported. The first report of the Red Crossbills was on 11/18/18 at Hoydens Hill Open Space. The couple of other reports were at Barn Island WMA and Harkness Memorial SP in 2018. And one was at Plainfield -- Quinebaug Valley Fish Hatchery on 1/23/19.


Redpolls have been reported a couple here and there, with a recent one in East Granby (Not to far where a flock of 40 Common Redpolls were seen in Hadley MA). One was in Seymour, then Durham (seen by me), then New London, then the East Granby one. No Hoary Redpolls have been seen yet, but everybody hopes for one! They are usually attracted to thistle (Nyger) seed from the sock feeders. 
 Bohemain Waxwings: None yet!
Pine Grosbeaks: None yet!!

Common Redpolls are another irruptive bird searching farther south to look for weed crops
Photo Courtesy of Monica Nichols 
Birds like Red Crossbills search farther south than usual to look for pine trees with pine cones.
Photo Courtesy of Jonathan Layman

For further reference check out the Winter Finch Forecast:

By Tony Belejack
Photos by Jonathan Layman and Monica Nichols

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Irruption Year

This year happens to be an irruption year meaning the birds from the arctic come down beyond their range looking for food. What causes I...