Friday, February 1, 2019

Birding Highlights 1/31/19

Bird Highlights 1/31/19
I decided to see if I could reach 90 species for Big January, so I did my last hike yesterday. It was not to successful as I only saw two new species. I went to Westport to find a Cape May Warbler and Eurasian Wigeon. No luck with any of those birds!! Also I was birding during the Polar Vortex of 2019, so it was very very cold! I went to multiple places, Gorham Island, Westport Longshore Park, Sherwood Island, and Silver Sands SP. Gorham Island had the previously reported Cape May Warbler (Rare during winter in Connecticut). Not a bird was seen except the ubiquitous Mallard. Then I went to Sherwood Island to see if the saw-whet owl was still there. The feeders were pretty busy with the starlings and House Sparrows. I was able to find an American Tree Sparrow and a Fox Sparrow (Lifer for me!). Mourning Doves were present so were Blue Jays and a male Northern Cardinal along with some female Red-winged Blackbirds. No saw-whet owl. I went to Westport Longshore Park, where the Eurasian Wigeon was found. Multiple Hooded Mergansers were present along with a pair of Mallards. Canada Geese were present with multiple flocks flying overhead. Buffleheads were also seen. No luck with the wigeon! I ended up with 85 species for January. On the way back I stopped by Silver Sands SP again hoping for the Long-eared Owl that winters there. I saw the Barred Owl in the same spot again, this one might have been a different individual then I saw the first visit. This one didn't have the damaged eye. Multiple Song Sparrows were present and one Savannah Sparrow. Also 1 White-tailed Deer was in the fields.
American Tree Sparrow. Sherwood Island SP, Westport 
Fox Sparrow. Sherwood Island SP, Westport 

Female Bufflehead. Westport Longshore Park
Female Hooded Merganser. Westport Longshore Park.
Barred Owl. Silver Sands SP

                                                                       By Tony Belejack

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