Bird Highlights 1/31/19
I decided to see if I could reach 90 species for Big January, so I did my last hike yesterday. It was not to successful as I only saw two new species. I went to Westport to find a Cape May Warbler and Eurasian Wigeon. No luck with any of those birds!! Also I was birding during the Polar Vortex of 2019, so it was very very cold! I went to multiple places, Gorham Island, Westport Longshore Park, Sherwood Island, and Silver Sands SP. Gorham Island had the previously reported Cape May Warbler (Rare during winter in Connecticut). Not a bird was seen except the ubiquitous Mallard. Then I went to Sherwood Island to see if the saw-whet owl was still there. The feeders were pretty busy with the starlings and House Sparrows. I was able to find an American Tree Sparrow and a Fox Sparrow (Lifer for me!). Mourning Doves were present so were Blue Jays and a male Northern Cardinal along with some female Red-winged Blackbirds. No saw-whet owl. I went to Westport Longshore Park, where the Eurasian Wigeon was found. Multiple Hooded Mergansers were present along with a pair of Mallards. Canada Geese were present with multiple flocks flying overhead. Buffleheads were also seen. No luck with the wigeon! I ended up with 85 species for January. On the way back I stopped by Silver Sands SP again hoping for the Long-eared Owl that winters there. I saw the Barred Owl in the same spot again, this one might have been a different individual then I saw the first visit. This one didn't have the damaged eye. Multiple Song Sparrows were present and one Savannah Sparrow. Also 1 White-tailed Deer was in the fields.
American Tree Sparrow. Sherwood Island SP, Westport |
Fox Sparrow. Sherwood Island SP, Westport |
Female Bufflehead. Westport Longshore Park |
Female Hooded Merganser. Westport Longshore Park. |
Barred Owl. Silver Sands SP |
By Tony Belejack
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