Monday, April 22, 2019

West Haven Gulls

After Nick Bonomo's ( great find of a CALIFORNIA GULL* on 4/18, I decided to look for it myself on 4/19 with no luck. But I did end up seeing a good amount of gulls. All were Herring and Ring-bills, but I got some good photos. 97% of the gulls I saw were all in adult breeding plumage. I was surprised to see 3 juvenile Ring-bills. All of these gulls were found at Bradley Point and surrounding areas.
Snowy Egret in breeding plumage

Injured Herring Gull 


Ring-billed Gull in full adult breeding plumage

*This is a second state record of CAGU in CT (if accepted by the ARCC), the last one was seen in 2016.

- Tony

Irruption Year

This year happens to be an irruption year meaning the birds from the arctic come down beyond their range looking for food. What causes I...