Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Big January 2020. My results are in

Hello folks,
Once again I competed in the Connecticut Ornithological Association Big January! In fact mine wasn't to good. I ended up with 75 species. With three life birds, Northern Shoveler and Lapland Longspur and Redhead. I thought it would be a good year, but nope. 

I am luckily competing in the Mega Bowl IV on Feb 1st! The Connecticut Young Birders club has won every year, so me and Eli Holton are up to the challenge. Our team will be The Kinglets. 

Some photos:
Northern Shoveler 

Long-tailed Duck

Herring Gull



- Tony

Irruption Year

This year happens to be an irruption year meaning the birds from the arctic come down beyond their range looking for food. What causes I...