Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Lighthouse Point Park 9/10/19

Today, I went to Lighthouse Point Park in New Haven.

Weather: Cool and cloudy w/ some sun. Not the best day for hawk-watching. 

Lighthouse Point Park Overview:

When I arrived, Tina Green, Greg Hanisek, and a few more birders were already hawk-watching. Greg and Tina were telling me that the continuing Lark Sparrow flew away from Lighthouse Point Park. A Savannah Sparrow flew into one of the trees. Tina went to walk around the forest area, so I joined her and we saw our first 9 Bobolinks flyover. We saw a Cooper's Hawk in the distance and heard a Red-eyed Vireo. The Blue-gray Gnatcatchers were plentiful. While walking near the entrance and the forest, we saw and heard a Black-and-white Warbler. Then we saw a pair of Ruby-throated Hummingbirds. We walked to the backwoods and that's where most of the warblers were. As we walked in we instantly heard gnatcatchers. When we walked to the exit of the backwoods we saw a Gray Catbird, American Redstart, House Wren, Carolina Wren, and a possible Common Yellowthroat. After we walked back to the hawkwatch station a Sharp-shinned Hawk flew high above and a  Merlin quickly flew past us. We took a break and I ate my lunch, then we heard a familiar chip, similar to the Savannah Sparrows we heard. All of a sudden the continuing LARK SPARROW was in my bins, right when I was about to say "LARK SPARROW!" it flew and we all got a look at it. It quickly flew to the gravel spot that it was previously at this morning. Many birders were able to get a good look at it including me. Lifer #234! 

                                                 Lighthouse Point Park Photos:
Gray Catbird

Lark Sparrow

Lark Sparrow

Lark Sparrow

Lark Sparrow

Today was a very successful day!

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