Saturday, August 31, 2019

American Avocet, Milford Point 8/31/19

On August 30th, local birder Hugh Whelan reported TWO AMERICAN AVOCETS at Milford Point! But then somebody found THREE! So there I was at Milford Point today in search of the avocets.

Weather: Sunny. 81 F. High Tide.

We drove to Milford Point and got my scope and camera to go to the Wheeler Marsh platform,  a birder came out and told me they just flew out. We  went to the platform at the sandbars with many other birders. Then all of the birders left. A birder named Paul, went walking to the sandbars, where the Avocets were. There were many other birders including, Jason Rieger, Chris Wood, and William Batsford.  I set my scope up to look at the birds, and there they were, the 3 AMERICAN AVOCETS AND 3 WHIMBREL! Also, Black-bellied Plovers, American Oystercatcher, and Common Loon. We stayed for a while, then Paul had to leave, so I stayed with Jason and Chris. I got some good photos of the Avocets. Then we left. While walking back we heard a Clapper Rail. The avocets were very cool and also they were a lifer! But another cool thing is that this is the first time that 3 avocets have been recorded at the same time and place in Connecticut!



The Avocets!


Avocet #1

The Avocets agian!

Avocet #1


The Avocets


Avocet #2


Avocet #1

Avocet #1

The Avocets

Avocets #1 and 2


Black-bellied Plover





Avocet #3


Avocet 3

Avocet w/ BBPL

Avocet #1 and 2

Well I ended up with 1 lifer #232

- Tony

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