Saturday, May 18, 2019

Bird-a-thon Day #2!

Today was Day #2 of the Connecticut's Migration Madness event. 

Where Did I Go?
Barn Island Wildlife Management Area (Pawcatuck/Stonington) and Hammonasset Beach State Park (Madison). 

Who Did I Bird With?
For the first 2 hours I went birding at Hammo with Eli Holton. After he left I was able to see a few birds with Tina Green's team. 

Low to upper 60s and low 70s; windy. 

Bird Summary:

1. Hammonasset Beach State Park
I decided to go to Hammonasset today! First I started at West Beach with Eli Holton. He told me he saw Brown Thrasher and Willow Flycatcher before I got there.While walking to the beach area we heard a Field Sparrow. Once we arrived at the beach area I scoped out a White-winged Scoter. A couple Double-crested Cormorants flew by, and a Cooper's Hawk flew over. The Mute Swan had its little cygnet at Swan Pond. Then when we went to Boulder Pond we saw a White-rumped Sandpiper, a lifer for Eli! We than went down to the end of Meig's Point . A few Yellow Warblers were calling. We stopped and heard a Clapper Rail (lifer for Eli and me!) When we reached the end of the trail we stopped and looked at the two terns on the rock. The first one was a Least and the second was a Forster's! Lifer for both of us. We arrived at the bird blind,but Eli had to leave. I bumped into Tina Green's team. Nothing unusual spotted at the bird blind. After we left the bird blind 2 White-rumped Sandpipers landed in the puddle at the Meig's Point Nature center parking lot. Than we heard that Dan Rottino had 2 Whimbrel at Willard's Island. So we went there. The Whimbrel were still there, then a large flock of black-bellied plovers, dunlin and ruddy turnstones landed. 

Barn Island WMA
Since we were down on the coast, I wanted to check out what they had at Barn Island Wildlife Management Area. This was my first time being here, so I was excited! I stepped out of the car. I than heard a Blue-winged Warbler going "bee-buzz". Once I made it to the beginning of the trail I found a Blue-gray Gnatcatcher. At the first impoundment, I ran into Dan Rottino, who was looking for the Tricolored Heron also. We did some hiking to the third impoundment. While hiking through the woods we heard: Wilson's Warbler, Veery, and Eastern Towhee. Than once we reached the third impoundment, I had to get going. Once I reached the first impoundment again, Dan called me saying he got the Tricolored Heron in his scope! So there I was walking all the way to the fourth impoundment. But it was worth the walk! Luckily, it was still in his scope. It was such a cool bird! So we walked back to the car. 
That was the last spot for the day! I didn't get any photos, since I was too busy bird-watching! But I did end up with 5 new life birds (Whimbrel, Little Blue Heron, Forster's Tern, Clapper Rail, and of course the Tricolored Heron)!
I ended up with 96 species so far! (Though it took me a whole month to find 89!). Although Eli got 100+ species!
                                                   Hope you enjoyed this blog post! Comments are welcome!
                                                                                    - Tony

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