Saturday, April 25, 2020

Yellow-throated Warbler in CT.

Hi folks,
Another warbler seen in Connecticut. State first no. Yellow-throated Warbler is just a regular but rare spring overshoot. 

Weather: Sunny, went from 54-64 F in 2 hours.

We walk into Mondo Ponds in Milford and find a bunch of birders, near the condos where the warbler has been seen. No one has saw the warbler since early this morning, but there were a lot of warblers. Pine, Palm, and Black-and-white Warblers were in the area. Northern Rough-winged Swallows were also flying over the main pond. No sign of the warbler. I decided to keep walking down the trail. Where I saw some Blue-gray Gnatcatchers and a nice male Yellow Warbler. Time passed, still no sign of the warbler. So we walked back to the entrance and took a right this time. Than a massive flock of Double-crested Cormorants flew over, 40 to be precise. More time passes. We decide to head back into the pine forest, where I saw two Palm Warblers!! Than a Yellow-rumped Warbler. Than eye level in one of the smaller deciduous trees, I see a bird, bright yellow chest, gray back,and white and black face!! Indeed it was the YELLOW-THROATED WARBLER!!! Two hours of searching paid off!!

Pine Warbler

Blue-gray Gnat-catcher 

Yellow Warbler


Palm Warbler
Stay safe- Tony

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