Monday, May 6, 2019

Hammonasset SP 5/6/19

Hey Y'all!
Today, while I was down in Mystic I ran to Hammonasset State Park in Madison. Since today was sunny and hot I knew that there would be some good bird activity. I went to West Beach first. At West Beach I tallied 6 Ospreys all in flight; then some Tree and Barn Swallows; and 2 Killdeer were calling. Then 10 GLOSSY IBISES flew over West Beach. I went to the campgrounds to look for the continuing BLUE GROSBEAK, but I was in a rush so I couldn't go far. Then I went to the Meig's Point Nature Center area and Boulder Pond. Boulder Pond had its annual TRICOLORED X LITTLE BLUE HERON hybrid. I also heard a Spring Peeper at Boulder Pond. While leaving a saw 2 Willets and a Fish Crow. At the Hammo exit I grabbed a photo of an adult Snowy Egret
West Beach Barn Swallow

Snowy Egret

Although not shown in this photo, a key way to identifying this hybrid is to look at the front of the bird. Does it have white on the front of the neck? This is the Tricolored X Little Blue Heron hybrid.

Eastern Willets

Local Chipping Sparrows

Another photo of the hybrid heron

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