Friday, October 18, 2019

Big Sit 2019, Milford Point.

Hi folks!

On Sunday, October 13th I joined Frank Gallo's Big Sit team, the Surf Scopers. here are the highlights (that I saw):

Eared Grebe (very rare), Black Skimmer, American Pipit, American Bittern, Lincoln's Sparrow, and Bonaparte's Gull. I missed: American Golden Plover and Long-billed Dowitcher. The total for the day was 93, the record is around 110-115. Ebird checklists here: and

White-throated Sparrow face shot

Same sparrow as above


View of Wheeler Marsh (with Tom Murray on the right)

Savannah Sparrow

The 4 Black Skimers


Yellow-crowned Night Heron

Eared Grebe

American Bittern

Marsh Wren

Northern Mockingbird
- Tony

Irruption Year

This year happens to be an irruption year meaning the birds from the arctic come down beyond their range looking for food. What causes I...